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Mother & Daughter Bible College

Kungani Imfundo Ibalulekile Komama Namadodakazini?
Imfundo idlala indima ebalulekile ekulolongeni ukukhetha komuntu empilweni kanye nobuntu bakhe. Ngemfundo, abantu bangazuza emathubeni ahlukahlukene okuthuthukisa izinga lempilo yabo nobudlelwano, futhi babe amalungu omphakathi akhiqizayo. Imfundo idlala indima ebalulekile ekulolongeni umbono wakho ngobudlelwano nempilo.

Akufanele kusimangaze ukuthi abesifazane abafundile bavame ukuba nombono omuhle kakhudlwana, babe nempilo enhle, babambe iqhaza ngenkuthalo emakethe yemisebenzi ehlelekile, bathole iholo elingcono, bakhulise ubuhlobo, futhi balwele imfundo engcono nokunakekelwa kwezempilo kwezingane zabo ngemva kokuba omama. Ngamanye amazwi, omama abafundile babeka isisekelo somphakathi ongcono ngokuthuthukisa ukuphila kwemindeni yabo, imiphakathi kanye nezizwe zabo.

Ngakho-ke, sikhuthaza kakhulu ukufundiswa komama namadodakazi abamba iqhaza elibalulekile ekwakhiweni kwesizwe. Kuphinde kubasize baqinise isibopho sikamama nendodakazi futhi kubanikeze amandla okubhekana nezinkinga zokuphila ngamandla nangobuqotho. Bangasebenzisa leli thuluzi elinamandla ukuze bakhuthaze ushintsho lwezenhlalo esizukulwaneni esisha.

Bhalisela Izinhlelo Zokufunda EzoMama Nendodakazi Yethu
Kwa-MDBN, senze Izinhlelo Zokufunda Eziqinile Zomama namadodakazi. Lezi zinhlelo
yakhelwe amalungu omphakathi wethu, ewanikeza ithuba lokuqhubeka nemfundo yawo futhi athole amadigri agunyaziwe noma ama-bachelor ezifundweni ezilandelayo e-Mother and Daughter Bible College (MDBC):
 Izifundo zeBhayibheli
 IPsychology yobuKristu

Ungakwazi futhi ukuthola izitifiketi namathuba okuthuthukiswa kwemisebenzi emikhakheni eshiwo ngenhla ku-MDBC.

Kungani Utadisha e-MDBC?

Kwa-MDBC, sinikeza izifundo ezikhethekile zamaviki angu-4 kanye nokuthweswa iziqu komama namadodakazi ngemva kwezinyanga eziyishumi nambili.

Isibusiso esijabulisa kakhulu nesiyingqayizivele sokufunda ekolishi lethu ukuthi samukela amakhredithi akho aqediwe ukuze wakhe umsebenzi wakho wokufunda futhi sikusize uqale lapho ugcine khona! Nge-MDBC njengozakwethu wezemfundo, ukuthola iziqu zakho zasekolishi kuseduze kunalokho obukucabanga! Ukuze uthole ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana Nekolishi LeBhayibheli Lomama Nendodakazi, ungachofoza inkinobho ethi Ulwazi Lokubhalisa eduze naphezulu kwaleli khasi.

Register for Our Mother and Daughter E-Learning Programs
At MDBN, we have developed robust E-Learning Programs for mothers and daughters. These programs
are designed for our community members, giving them an opportunity to continue their education and earn accredited associate's or bachelor's degrees in the following subjects at the Mother and Daughter Bible College (MDBC):
• Biblical studies
• Christian Psychology

You can also earn certifications and career development opportunities in the above mentioned fields from MDBC.

Why Study at MDBC?

At MDBC, we offer exclusive 4-week courses and graduation for mothers and daughters after twelve months.

The most exciting and unique blessing of studying at our college is that we accept your completed college credits to build your educational career and help you start where you left off! With MDBC as your education partner, getting your college degree is closer than you imagined! 

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