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Mother & Daughter Bible College

Kutheni Imfundo Ibalulekile Koomama Neentombi?
Imfundo idlala indima ebalulekileyo ekubumbeni ukhetho lobomi bomntu kunye nobuntu bakhe. Ngemfundo, abantu banokuzuza kumathuba ahlukeneyo okuphucula umgangatho wobomi babo kunye nobudlelwane, kunye nokuba ngamalungu oluntu anemveliso. Imfundo idlala indima ebalulekileyo ekubumbeni imbono yakho kubudlelwane kunye nobomi.

Akufanele kusimangalise into yokuba amabhinqa afundileyo athande ukuba sempilweni ngakumbi, abe sempilweni ngakumbi, athathe inxaxheba ngokukhutheleyo kwimarike yemisebenzi esesikweni, afumane umvuzo ongcono, akhulise ubudlelwane, azabalazele imfundo engcono kunye nokhathalelo lwempilo lwabantwana babo emva kokuba bengoomama. Ngamanye amazwi, oomama abafundileyo babeka isiseko sebutho labantu elilunge ngakumbi ngokuphucula ubomi beentsapho zabo, uluntu kunye nezizwe zabo.

Ngoko ke, siyikhuthaza ngamandla imfundo yoomama neentombi ezidlala indima ebalulekileyo ekwakheni isizwe. Ikwabanceda bomeleze iqhina likamama nentombi kwaye ibaxhobise ukuba bajamelane neengxaki zobomi ngamandla nangengqibelelo. Bangasebenzisa esi sixhobo sinamandla ukukhuthaza utshintsho lwentlalo kwisizukulwana esitsha.

Bhalisa kwiiNkqubo ze-E-Learning zikaMama neNtombi yethu
Kwi-MDBN, siphuhlise iiNkqubo ze-E-Learning ezomeleleyo zoomama neentombi. Ezi nkqubo
yenzelwe amalungu ethu oluntu, ibanika ithuba lokuqhubeka nemfundo yabo kwaye bafumane izidanga ezivunyiweyo okanye zesidanga sokuqala kwezi zifundo zilandelayo kwiKholeji yeBhayibhile kaMama neNtombazana (MDBC):
 Izifundo zeBhayibhile
 IPsychology yobuKristu

Usenokufumana izatifikethi kunye namathuba ophuhliso lwekhondo kula macandelo akhankanywe ngasentla kwi-MDBC.

Kutheni ufunda eMDBC?

Kwi-MDBC, sibonelela ngezifundo ezikhethekileyo zeeveki ezi-4 kunye nokuphumelela koomama neentombi emva kweenyanga ezilishumi elinesibini.

Eyona ntsikelelo imnandi neyodwa yokufunda kwikholeji yethu kukuba siyakwamkela iikhredithi zakho ezigqityiweyo zasekholejini ukuze wakhe umsebenzi wakho wokufunda kwaye sikuncede uqale apho uyeke khona! Nge-MDBC njengeqabane lakho lemfundo, ukufumana isidanga sakho sasekholejini kusondele kunokuba ubucinga! Ukufumana ulwazi oluthe kratya malunga neKholeji yeBhayibhile kaMama neNtombazana, unokucofa iqhosha leNgcaciso yoBhaliso kufutshane naphezulu kweli phepha.

Register for Our Mother and Daughter E-Learning Programs
At MDBN, we have developed robust E-Learning Programs for mothers and daughters. These programs
are designed for our community members, giving them an opportunity to continue their education and earn accredited associate's or bachelor's degrees in the following subjects at the Mother and Daughter Bible College (MDBC):
• Biblical studies
• Christian Psychology

You can also earn certifications and career development opportunities in the above mentioned fields from MDBC.

Why Study at MDBC?

At MDBC, we offer exclusive 4-week courses and graduation for mothers and daughters after twelve months.

The most exciting and unique blessing of studying at our college is that we accept your completed college credits to build your educational career and help you start where you left off! With MDBC as your education partner, getting your college degree is closer than you imagined! 

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